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Clive Hedger

Clive Hedger was born in London, UK, in 1961, and although for an early age he knew that he was an artist, it was not until later in life that he began to create visionary art. For much of his early life was spent in pursuit of spiritual experience, which involved mediation, dance and mystic traditions from many paths. For a while he even taught religious education in schools.  In 2008, he began to work with the honeybee as a spiritual ally, and after a prolonged period spent in darkness, he began to paint with acrylics, despite having had no formal training.

Over the next few years, he embarked upon what might be called a shamanic opening which coincided with becoming fairly immersed in both the physical aspects of bee keeping as well as its spiritual counterpart, and as the spirit world revealed itself more, so painting became important in his life as a way to express the visionary state.

In 2013, Clive began to learn the tempera and oil technique with Daniel Mirante over a series of workshops, and he liked it so much that he has continued to work with it ever since.

He describes his art as being inspired by dreams, spirit encounters, inner journeys, the mysterious dance between masculine and feminine, and through deep connection to the land, the animals, plants and all that is. He now lives in the heart of Wales where he is creating a retreat centre with his wife.

Clive Hedger | Visionary Art

'Mandala' by Clive Hedger, 30x40cm, tempera and oil on canvas

Clive Hedger | Visionary Art

'Entering the Temple' by Cliver Hedger, 100x100cm, tempera and oil on canvas

Clive Hedger | Visionary Art

'Homage (Honouring the Masculine)' by Clive Hedger, 84x60cm, tempera and oil on board

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